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The canvas print of "Concilation", by Daniel Elliot, comes on thick (1 1/2") stretchers, with black sides, using the best archival canvas, inks and coating. It is available in three print sizes from our online Artists Gallery store. If you would like a print with dimensions not listed, please contact us directly at 1-250-924-0901. We can custom print to any proportional size.

  • Daniel R. Elliott
    Visual artist, writer, healer, Elder

    The journey in fine arts with a rediscovery of my Indigenous roots has taken me into a Spiritual realm with my art & life. The liminal space that had separated my two worlds has reconnected.

    My artistic methodology began in the early 1970s. My 13th birthday was an exceptional time when I received a set of oil paints from my mother who was an oil painter in her own right that moved it aside to raise her family. I recall shooing my birthday party guests as quickly as possible in order to paint. A year later my work was exhibited at the Vancouver Island Exhibition winning top prize, best of show.

    Meeting Michael B. Gergley, a judge for the exhibit and renowned artist from Budapest in Hungary, a former Professor of fine arts that grounded my path as an artist. I was unable to afford the art instruction so Mr. Gergley decided to trade garden work from his garden for lessons. From 1975 through 1980 I studied fine arts with Michael. In 1983 I began watercolors with Michael as the protégé and friend until his death in 1998.

    Art really was both a saving grace for me and a point of confusion. The confusion was how to embrace my indigenous heritage and the fine arts world. I looked around seeing many talented First Nation artists but society was missing something; yes they appreciated the works but I saw a disconnect, a liminal space that existed. After careful observation of these two worlds fostering relationships along the way. It wasn't until I took the training at Tillicum Le Lum Friendship Center ( Sexual Abuse Family Violence Counsellor training) and Executive Director my Aunty Grace that I came face to face with my Christian up brining and my Indigenous Heritage.

    I recall a September morning ( part of our training) we were at a Sweat lodge and Elder J.C Lucas was running the sweat lodge when I came face to face with a collision of cultures and Spiritual realm. I recall praying for protection as I entered the lodge when Elder J.C. said " any new sweaters here" I spoke up and said "yes" everything was shaky inside. And he said I want you to pray to the God of your understanding" A defining moment in my life. All the messages that I heard since my conception until now about being indigenous melted away and reformed.

    This was the beginning of a rebirth for me, I have often said I was nearly a product of assimilation. No language, no cultural teachings, like an unseen force trying to erase my identity. My soul devoured the teachings from many Elders such as my father Ray Elliott, Grace Elliott Nielson, J.C. Lucas, Ruth & George Cook, Leona Gallant, Bill & Marie Seward and Ellen White. Through those teachers and Elders my work at Tillicum that year re-instilled what was already there. This reconnection has been invaluable in the work I have done the past 20 years working with Indigenous children, and adult first nations in the community and in the penal system with healing and connection. I also spent important early work healing parts of the men going to Truth & Reconciliation events before the world had eyes on these issues.

    This procreated the desire to paint the unfettered truth of " Winds of Change". This would not be possible to even conceive without these teachers, Elders and knowledge keepers. Some have since passed on so I need to always remain clear and focused in order for me to continue the circle of life and for those that follow after me.

    My recent works in transparent watercolors did not come easy. A grant from the First Peoples Cultural Council gave me supplies to open the doors of new possibilities in Art & Culture. Even through March and April 2020 at the start of Covid 19 I painted a number of paintings even though my wife Bonnie and I had "presumptive Covid 19" ( no test in the early stages) I was quite sick for a few days, if it wasn’t for plant medicine teachings I would have had a more difficult time. The Shores of Indifference and Kelp doll were painted during our lock down at home.

    Drawing on years of artistic training and foraging; embracing our immense rich First Nation heritage has created a new journey; a new path forward for me.

    Daniel R. Elliott

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